
    News 2019. 1. 9. 15:05

    Hello, dear readers! Today I dedicate my research to men and I want to consider in detail the dramatic weight loss in men, the reasons for its occurrence, and when it is worth starting to sound the alarm. My research will help determine the level of health risk of rapid weight loss.

    Although it is believed that the fair sex pays more attention to its appearance, modern representatives of the strong half of humanity are also not alien to the pursuit of beauty. The perfection of fitness is the first sign of a perfect appearance.

    Therefore, most of us, in the spite of age and gender, make a lot of effort to get rid of extra pounds accumulated due to improper diet and sedentary lifestyle. However, this article will deal with the very opposite problem.


    If you effortlessly lose a kilogram per kilogram, you should think about medical care. Perhaps you will be pleased with the thinness, which is the ultimate dream, but the ideal figure does not indicate a wonderful overall well-being. Next, I will consider the main prerequisites for drastic weight loss in the stronger sex.

    Table of contents:

    1 Effect of Emotional Overload

    2 Endocrine system

    3 Diabetes

    4 parasites

    5 Oncology

    6 Other reasons

    7 Dramatic weight loss in men: video

    8 Conclusion

    8.1 Recommended for viewing:


    Like most men, I lose weight from the experience. Any stressful situations instantly burn those extra pounds. However, I began to notice the negative impact of emotional overload on my health, which worries me and even scares me. I started sleeping, and falling asleep for a short time, I jumped up from the nightmares. Frequent headaches cause confusion, accompanied by excessive irritability. I quickly get tired and ready to fall into a protracted depression.

    Anxiety from sudden weight loss against the background of good nutrition. I have learned that a healthy male body is able to cope with stressful situations. And my rapid weight loss indicates a hidden disease.

    I advise all men with unreasonable rapid weight loss to postpone the solution to the problem on the back burner, but immediately seek advice from a medical institution. Health care does not tolerate procrastination!


    The disgusting ecology caused by the waste products of the megacities, such as the exhaustion of a huge number of cars, adversely affects the state of the human thyroid gland. With the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, the endocrine system may fail.

    Pathological processes in the thyroid gland are often reflected in changes in body weight. With the emergence of health problems, certain compounds are formed in the body. Calories from the consumed food, as a result, are not digested, but instantly burned.

    If you regularly and abundantly eat in a sedentary mode of existence, and at the same time, you lose weight without making efforts, I recommend paying attention to the state of the thyroid gland. Problems with the endocrine system without timely help from qualified doctors can result in the development of hyperthyroidism. This disease is manifested in the fact that an unhealthy thyroid gland begins to produce an extraordinary amount of hormones.

    Endocrinologists have identified the main symptoms of hyperthyroidism. You should start worrying if:

    you quickly lost up to 10 kg with a good appetite;

    pulse rate reaches 120 or more beats per minute;

    even in the cold you sweat a lot;

    irrepressible trembling appears in the fingers;

    sleep is disturbed;

    sexual dysfunction is observed.

    At the first manifestation of the listed symptoms I recommend urgently to address the endocrinologist. Timely medical intervention can prevent hyperthyroidism or stop the disease in its initial stages.


    It is considered one of the serious and insidious diseases that cause severe weight loss. The initial manifestation of the disease is an unbridled appetite with simultaneous weight loss.

    Determined by laboratory diabetes. His symptoms are irrepressible thirst with constant irritability and bad breath, giving away with acetone. The same "aroma" is felt when urinating. In addition, a dangerous disease is accompanied by short-term loss of consciousness.

    I note that no discomfort, with the exception of unreasonable weight loss, is not observed at the initial stage of the disease. A man loses kilograms, feeding heavily and absorbing a huge amount of fluid.

    Therefore, if you find yourself having the above symptoms, I recommend that you go to the nearest laboratory and donate blood for analysis. If you do not like it, do not worry about it.


    As a child, my mother scared me: "I do not want to get stray dogs, otherwise you will get worms!" However, the parasites enter the human body only from stray animals. Laboratory testing of an anal smear or stool analysis will help detect their presence.

    If you are unreasonably losing weight, I strongly recommend to listen to your inner feelings:

    a sharp decrease in appetite indicates the presence of the unwanted guests, represented by helminthic invasions;

    itching, accompanied by discomfort sensations around the anus, says the same thing;

    parasites can cause permanent weakness, which does not pass even after hours of rest;

    Digestive disorders accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, are a sign of the presence of extraneous creatures in the body.

    In addition to the above symptoms, the presence of helminthic invasions can manifest itself as a periodic unreasonable increase in temperature. If there is a positive response from the laboratory to the body of parasites, doctors recommend taking anthelmintic drugs.


    The next thing that makes people lose weight is a fatal disease caused by a malignant tumor. Unfortunately, even the recognized luminaries of oncology did not learn to recognize this ailment at an early stage. Only a thorough medical examination with a mass of tests can determine the dangerous illness.

    A malignant neoplasm has been shown to be associated with an increased incidence of malignant neoplasm, resulting in loss of appetite, accompanied by rapid weight loss, loss of working capacity and other unpleasant manifestations of cancer. Early detection of an oncological tumor at early stages makes it possible to take the necessary measures to cure it, including surgical intervention.


    When a man, especially a teenager, begins to lose weight unnecessarily, it may cause the drug use. Excessive activity, alternating with a completely passive state, excessive excitability indicating admission of prohibited drugs.

    Changes in proper metabolism due to digestive disorders caused by gastritis or gastric ulcers also lead to weight loss.

    In addition, if you lose weight without a reason, I recommend an examination for the presence of infections in the body. Mandatory annual X-ray or fluorography will allow to detect pulmonary tuberculosis at an early stage. I note that patients suffering from this disease must be isolated from others, in order to avoid possible infection.

    Modern media and other sources are oversaturated with in-depth information about AIDS. Therefore, in the context of my article, I would just note that HIV-infected people are also prone to rapid weight loss.


    So, my research has shown that regardless of the prerequisites for drastic weight loss, the reason lies in health problems. Therefore, it is not always worthwhile to rejoice at the rapid loss of kilograms. In addition, anorexia does not make you a happy person, and turn into a skeleton covered with skin. Lose weight with your mind and good health!

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