The art of public speaking or the analysis of the speech of Steve JobsNews 2022. 2. 9. 20:23
Have you always admired Steve Jobs' ability to introduce new Apple products? Did you watch Steve Ballmer's report in Moscow with interest? Surprised by the fact that Fidel Castro delivered a 27 hour speech? And, most importantly, want to learn how to make equally amazing presentations and make equally fiery speeches? Six months ago, while studying the biography of Steve Jobs, I read and watched the famous "Three Stories" told to graduates of Stanford University. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most famous, interesting and instructive speeches of Jobs. After digging around on the net, I found a good parsing of speech. Here is an approximate translation of this analysis (find inaccuracies and errors - unsubscribe in the comments).
Analysis of Steve Jobs' "Stay Hungry, Stay Reckless" Speech
Steve Jobs wrote and delivered the "Stay Hungry, Stay Reckless" inaugural speech to the graduates of Stanford University on June 12, 2005. The style and content of the speech was very different from his presentations of Apple products, but no less worthy of consideration.
Important elements of this wonderful speech include: openness, simple classical structure, the Rule of Three, rich language, and a recurring theme of birth/death/rebirth.
My suggestion is to: 1. Watch the video; 2. Read the analysis below; 3. If you wish, read the full transcript of the speech (rus) (eng) to understand it better; 4. Share your opinion about this presentation. What did you like? What would you do better?
openness. Audience praise, humility.
Jobs begins his speech with a compliment to the audience: "I'm honored to be with you today at the graduation ceremony of one of the best universities in the world
. " Further, he shows humility by admitting that he did not graduate from college. In just a few sentences, he creates a positive attitude in the audience towards himself and increases their receptivity to his message.
Conversational style
Compare "Stephen Wozniak and I Founded Apple
" with
"Woz and I Founded Apple"
1. The first part is formal and introduces the two entrepreneurs who founded Apple; 2. The second part is informal and creates the idea of two close friends. Jobs chose a conversational style and it is a wise choice. Its audience consists of alumni whose graduation often means different life paths for close friends.
Simple structure and sentences.
Jobs follows a simple and traditional structure: an introduction, then three stories, and a conclusion. He leads the audience for 14 and a half minutes using simple sentences: “Today I want to tell you three stories” “The first story is about connecting the dots” “My second story is about love and loss” “My third story is about death”
Pauses and timing
Jobs uses effective pauses after and especially after key points, allowing the audience to comprehend them. For example, he ends his first story by explicitly referring to Robert Frost's poem "The road not taken" "even when it leads you off the well-worn path... and that will make all the difference."
This is followed by six seconds of silence. These words are full of humor, but I felt that the comedic component was kind of missing. Perhaps it was his deliberate goal to imitate an academic speaker? Despite this, timing was lacking in some of the climaxes.
For example, consider his phrase "I didn't even know what a pancreas was"
. (10:07) There is only a slight hint of an accent, and no hint of a pause, before or after. I would like more. This is a special, tense moment in the speech, and the audience will try to lighten it with laughter. A minute and a half later, he pulls off an even more beautiful trick, injecting a dose of humor into the heart of such a serious point:
“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die
. " (11:40) Timing works very well here.
Rule of Three
Jobs builds his speech around three main points, and he applies the rule of three in many sentences and paragraphs. "I learned [1] about
serif and sans serif, [2] different spacing between letter combinations, [3] what
makes great typography great" (3:39) "It was [1] beautiful, [2] historical, [3] masterfully sophisticated…” (3:47) “founded NeXT, another company called Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman”… (7:16) – Jobs follows the three-sentence principle, thereby emphasizing how every part of them is important "The opinion of others, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure" " It means
try to tell your kids what you would say in the next 10 years.
It means
making sure everything is well arranged so that your family is as easy as possible.
It means to
say goodbye." (10:28) “
n't waste it (time) living someone else's life.
fall into the trap of dogma that says to live on other people's thoughts.
let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice" (12:18)
Some of the examples (highlighted in bold) are examples of anaphora—the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence or clause.
Abundance of speech
Jobs uses a lot of phrases in his speech:
is a figure of speech used as a juxtaposition of contrasting words, often in a parallel structure. Jobs uses some very powerful examples.
“If I hadn't dropped out, I never would have signed up” (4:34) “You can't connect the dots by looking ahead; you can only connect them by looking back” (4:40) “Death is probably the best invention of Life” (11:55)
Syntactic parallelism
(and other examples of anaphora)
"my foster mother is not a college graduate, and my father was never a high school graduate" (10:38)
(repeat the phrase from the end of one sentence to the beginning of another)
“The only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.”
This example is good, but it's a bit lost from repeating "the only way"
See also: Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right? what is the meaning of the phrase essay
Assonance (repetition of vowel sounds) - “And whenever the answer has been “No”
for too many days in a
I know
I need to change something." (And as soon as the answer was “No” for several days in a row, I knew that something had to change).
In addition to the numerous examples highlighted earlier, Jobs concludes his speech by repeating “Stay hungry. Stay reckless” three times. Repetition adds strength to a key argument, especially in the conclusion.
Recurring speech themes "Birth, death, rebirth"
In a literal sense, Jobs's story of his birth is the first story, and the closeness of death is the third story. However, this speech contains numerous other metaphorical references to the "Circle of Life" concept:
In addition to his physical birth, Jobs recounts how the couple initially decided they wanted a girl (a symbolic death as his life is "cut off" due to a "sex reassignment"). Then he talks about the good experience of "rebirth" with his parents.
His college education had a short life. The "death" of his formal learning process gave life to his informal learning process.
His relationship with Apple is "at (20 years old) born, raised, and then died." "Later, when NeXT was acquired by Apple, his career at Apple is revived."
He uses the word "Renaissance" to describe the current state of Apple.Read More
He receives a cancer diagnosis (one "death sentence"), but then undergoes a successful operation (rebirth).
Stuart Brand, creator of the Whole Earth Catalog "made several issues" and "eventually published the final issue
Spreading out such stories, Jobs repeatedly ties them together for the audience. This is especially clear in the conclusion when he touches on this audience metaphor one last time: "And now that you're graduating from college and starting over..."
Your thoughts?
Did you like this speech? What do you want from public speaking? How could this presentation be improved?
Original in English.'News' 카테고리의 다른 글
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