
  • How to read useful books and translate knowledge into practice with kitabnagri.pk
    News 2021. 11. 29. 18:41

    How to read useful books and translate knowledge into practice. Do not waste time on thousands of unnecessary pages and take the most valuable. Read no more, but more effective. Find time to read, even if it seems that it is not.

    We are sharing a fragment from one lesson - on how to understand what to read.

    Tip # 1. Follow the author
    Everything is simple here: if you liked the author's book - get acquainted with his other works. For example, Alena Lepilina, director of email marketing and course producers, thus read all of Abgaryan and all of Bakman. And now it "goes" according to Gaiman. Pay attention to the years of publication of the books: this will help to objectively assess the "freshness" and relevance of the information and research that is provided there (if this is non-fiction; it is hardly worth spending time reading a book about immunity in 1985).

    Tip # 2. Read critics and bloggers
    Book critics and bloggers can help you create a roadmap for you. Choose those who are close to you in spirit. And do not be upset if your opinion does not coincide with the opinion of the person on whose tip you took up the book: 100% coincidence rarely happens, but after some time of searching, there is often a person with your identical taste.

    Tip # 3: Subscribe to newsletters and publishers blogs
    In mailing lists and blogs (here is  our blog,  which we have been running for 8 years), publishers tell what new items have appeared and which ones will be released soon. Publishers write about their books and explain what's interesting about them. Send introductory fragments and excerpts of audiobooks. And they often give promotional codes and discounts - for example, like us.

    Tip # 4: Pick your favorite bookstore
    Bookstores are also active in informing their customers about the assortment. They share news, take beautiful photos, invite to meetings with authors, and often have amazingly beautiful accounts. And it can also be very, very cozy there.

    Usually I just go to the bookstore, go to the shelves with the topics that interest me, and choose the one that attracted attention (cover, description, author). Especially if you want to read an artist, this is almost always an intuitive-emotional choice. I am not subscribed to book bloggers (I prefer to form an opinion about books myself, in my opinion, someone else's review can generally be confusing), but I enjoy reading the accounts of my favorite booksellers - here, of course, one cannot fail to mention Subscriptions, almost all of mine book wishes - from their Instagram.

    Tip # 5. Read book headings in the media
    Many major publications have book columns or headings. We read the news of this mortal world → looked into the book news (where everything is rosy and beautiful. Or not). In addition, the media post many different "book" materials: interviews with authors, reviews and even excerpts from books that are just being prepared for publication.

    Tip # 6: Look at Book Lists of People You Like
    It is very interesting to find out what your favorite musician, director or sportsman has read. You can find such lists in our blog: for example, you can see a list of favorite books by mythological authors -  Austin Cleon,  Eric  Bertrand Larssen ,  Maxim Dorofeev.  Or you can read what celebrities like Bill Gates recommend.

    There is an interesting column about favorite books of famous people in Wonderzine magazine - it is called  "Bookshelf" . Guests of a famous book critic on the YouTube show also tell about their favorite works .

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